Year: 2023
LinCTU colleagues attending Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust (LCHS) Research Conference, 13/09/2023
Members of the LinCTU attended the LCHS Research Conference at the Showroom in Lincoln (13th of September 2023). This was a great opportunity to promote LinCTU and network with a variety of people from different areas around Lincolnshire. The overarching theme was “Putting patients at the heart of research” and conference presentations included a range…Continue Reading LinCTU colleagues attending Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust (LCHS) Research Conference, 13/09/2023
Tanja Kleinhappel joins the Team
Tanja joined the Lincoln Clinical Trials Unit in August 2023 as a Clinical Data Manager. She will be involved in the management of relational databases and the data management for clinical and other research trials within the LinCTU. Prior to joining, Tanja has obtained theoretical and practical research experience across various fields within biology, including…Continue Reading Tanja Kleinhappel joins the Team
Lisa Ellis joins the Lincoln Clinical Trials Unit
On 1st June Lisa Ellis started her new post as administrator to the Lincoln Clinical Trials Unit. Prior to joining Lisa has worked in the Health & Social care arena, including the private and public sector. Lisa has worked on many bespoke software systems as an administrator and a superuser, including; Datix (Incident and Risk),…Continue Reading Lisa Ellis joins the Lincoln Clinical Trials Unit
Senior Research Fellow joins the LinCTU Team
Dr Shihua Zhu joined the Community and Health Research Unit and the Lincoln Clinical Trials Unit on 13th June 2023. Shihua is a Senior Research Fellow in Econometrics and Health Economics. His expertise lies in economic valuations alongside clinical trials, statistics and mathematical models. Dr Zhu has completed more than 10 economic evaluations alongside large scale…Continue Reading Senior Research Fellow joins the LinCTU Team
Strengthening Mental Abilities with Relational Training in Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI): A feasibility trial Funded by NIHR Research for Patient Benefit. Key contact: Dr Moghaddam. The main aim of this study is to develop and conduct feasibility and pilot studies exploring Strengthening Mental Abilities with Relational Training (SMART) for people with MCI. Project Title STRENGTHENING MENTAL…Continue Reading SMART-MCI