Protocol Review

The Protocol Review committee advise and support the development of protocols for clinical research in a collegiate style.

The committee shall review the aims to ensure equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) of participants and ensure that appropriate study design considerations, processes and practices are incorporated into the protocol (and supporting documents).

The review is optional, but is recommended practice where the LinCTU is involved with:
1) collaborating with writing a grant for a future trial
2) being asked to help manage a study (i.e. the study involves LinCTU data management, statistical
support and trial management staff)
3) being asked to support the submission of regulatory applications for a trial


  1. Dr. Zahid Asghar
  2. Dr. Shihua Zhu
  3. Dr. Elise Rowan
  4. Dr. Tanja Kleinhappel
  5. Priya Sharma

For more information visit : LinCTU ToR Protocol Review Committee | LinCTU (